Code of Conduct

The RNA Society is committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment for scientists to exchange knowledge, research findings, and ideas. With this in mind, we expect all RNA Society event participants to treat each other with the utmost respect and make every effort to ensure a positive experience for everyone. All forms of discrimination and harassment are prohibited at RNA Society sponsored events. It is the shared responsibility of everyone participating in RNA Society events - including members, attendees, presenters, exhibitors, and venue/support supplier staff - to maintain the highest personal standard of professional conduct.

Participants at RNA Society events are encouraged to interact collaboratively, support trainee scientific development and have fun with friends old and new. We strive to promote conversations among RNA scientists during which constructive feedback (both positive and negative) can be provided and respectfully received. It is the expectation of the RNA Society that participants will avoid conflicts of interest and maintain their awareness of power dynamics (e.g. be cognizant of hierarchical and privileged positions). All types of harassment including but not limited to verbal, physical and sexual harassment will not be tolerated at RNA Society events. Examples of unacceptable professional conduct can include, but are not limited to, unwanted touching, use of slurs, sexually charged communications or conduct, deliberate stalking or following, and intimidating or threatening behavior.  

Reporting acts of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation
If an individual observes or experiences conduct inconsistent with the RNA Society expectations described here, they should feel free to speak freely without any fear of retaliation. If they feel comfortable, the RNA Society encourages individuals to tell the offender that their conduct is unwelcome and to request that it stops. For all complaints, the event or meeting Organizer(s) should be the first person be contacted (e.g. RNA Salon organizer, RNA Society meeting sponsored Meeting Organizer, committee Chair). If the issue cannot be resolved satisfactorily at this level, then the reporter should reach out to the Chair of RNA Society Membership Committee in writing ([email protected]). If the experienced or witness behavior constitutes an immediate and/or serious threat to safety, or a criminal act is expected to have occurred, help should be sought from the local authorities immediately (before contacting RNA Society sponsored event leadership).

All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible for the RNA Society to address concerns, and individual interviews with the parties involved as well as witnesses may be conducted. An individual making a complaint may be asked to put the concerns in writing promptly after reporting inappropriate conduct. Participants violating conduct guidelines may be privately reprimanded, expelled from RNA Society events without a refund, or potentially prohibited from future events at the discretion of the RNA Society. Any RNA Society event participants asked to modify their unacceptable behavior at an event are expected to comply immediately. Determinations reached in RNA Society’s complaint process are not legally conclusive in any other proceeding.

False reporting
Knowingly making a false accusation of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, or knowingly providing false information during an investigation of a report, may be grounds for disciplinary action. A complaint made in good faith, even if found to be unsubstantiated, will not be considered a false accusation. 

Retaliation against an individual for reporting harassment or discrimination or for participating in an investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination is strictly prohibited. Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and will be promptly addressed.

Post-harassment, discrimination or retaliation report procedure

Upon receiving a complaint (verbally or in writing), the RNA Society supported meeting Organizer or RNA Society committee Chair who receives a complaint must immediately evaluate it and take action when deemed appropriate. The accused individual will be approached and spoken with privately, as will any potential witnesses to the reported behavior. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible for the RNA Society to adequately assess and respond to concerns. Depending on the severity and persistence of the violation, follow up actions could include a private reprimand, written warning, ejection from a meeting or activity without refund, being prohibited from participating in future RNA Society meetings, and/or expulsion from membership in the RNA Society.

If this complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of either the complainant or accused, a written appeal can be made to the Chair of RNA Society Membership Committee ([email protected]). All allegations of unprofessional interactions and/or harassment reported to the Chair of the Membership Committee will be treated seriously. If deemed necessary, a Report Evaluation Committee will be convened, consisting of the current CEO, President, Chair of Membership, and two RNA Society Directors, as necessary, to respond to allegations of misconduct. If there is a need, a third-party general counsel may be called in to advise. The Report Evaluation Committee is responsible for providing a secondary evaluation of the complaint and recommending sanctions if appropriate. In the event that either the CEO, President or Chair of the Membership Committee are reported for behavior inconsistent with the Code of Conduct, they will be excluded from the committee and replaced with a third RNA Society Director. All decisions reached by the Report Evaluation Committee will be considered as final.