Postdoc position to study RNP topology and disease

Posted on July 25,

The Zenklusen laboratory is looking for a motivated postdoc to investigate RNP topology, and the role of RNP topology in RNA metabolism; with the aim of establishing a mechanistic understanding of how disrupting RNP topology and composition results in complex disease phenotypes.

The project will employ multidisciplinary approaches in the areas of single-molecule and super-resolution microscopy, RNA/protein biochemistry, genomics and CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing using mammalian cell culture models.

Our lab focuses on advancing the understanding of gene regulation by developing and applying single-cell and single-molecule approaches, combined with biochemistry, genomic, proteomic, and computational methods to fundamental questions in RNA biology (Adivarahan et al., Mol Cell 2018; Bensidoun et al., Mol Cell 2022; Jayabalan et al., 2021; PNAS; Lessard et al., Nature Cell Biology 2018). We are located at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine of the Université de Montréal, in Montreal, Canada, one of the most vibrant cities in North America and home to a strong RNA research community.

Postdoctoral candidates must hold a PhD in biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, computational biology or a related field. Motivation, creativity, independence and ability to interact with colleagues and collaborators should be among your core strengths when working with us.

Interested applicants should email a CV and letter of introduction including the completion/ expected completion date of their PhD studies, proposed start date, a list of publications, names of three references who may be contacted for letters, and a brief description of future research interests to [email protected].